Friday, August 17, 2007


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This is the best pic I've ever taken of DS. I was sitting beside him as we awaited the lightnin' bug parade and just lifted my arm and snapped the pic without even looking. Every other pic, he saw me coming and I had a full memory card of goofy faces. This, this is the one.

I wonder how the gracious Jewels gets those stunning pics of her kiddos. 'Fes up, you wear camouflage, right? ;-)

I have to sneak around or disguise myself as a sofa to get a good pic. harrumph.


Vivian said...

With Beth, she loves to pose. Now, when it comes to Hyper Kid's friend ... that little fellow called Charles ... yeah ... how do people manage to get good photos of kids? LOL I get a lot of goofy pics. I wonder if Disney would be interested? LOL

That is a good pic of him, chicky!

Suse said...

Wow. Beautiful shot :)

Alyssa said...

That is a great photo! Good job! :)
Love, Alyssa

Bonnie said...

Great Photo, I have never seen a lighting bug, you are very lucky!